discover the region

Hiking and other activities

Explore the natural wonders that surround our gîte by embarking on exciting hikes around the Vercors and other surrounding mountains.

The beauty of isere

Total disconnection


To disconnect you completely from city life and its hassles, and not depend on your network, we provide you with maps and leaflets of local hikes. Having toured the region many times, don't hesitate to come and ask us for advice - we'll be happy to help.


Our top

Our recommendations

The pleasure of helping you discover the region.

À votre demande, nous pourrons vous partager nos expériences pour vous faire découvrir la région, dans ses moindres recoins. Nous tentons à travers ce site internet de vous partager un maximum d’informations, cependant n’hésitez pas à venir nous voir pour plus de conseils, nous serons ravis d’en discuter autour d’un café !

Discover the region, and not just half of it!

A selection of the best websites to help you discover our heritage.


To visit


Must-See Roads
